Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted an update on my husband's WONDERFUL handy work.
Ah, perhaps it's because it took him forEVER a day to get it done. Seriously, those with OCD and are completely anal..should not attempt such a job.
I joked with others that he not only back buttered every piece. He toasted it, slapped on some jelly and scrambled an egg to go with it!!
I ended up doing the grouting on day FIVE. Yes, I said day five. He started late on Friday. Worked about 12 hours on Sat, I kid you not. I thought we'd be done on Saturday, and moved on to something else. Nope. Didn't happen. Sunday, after church he went right back at it. By 10:30 that night, he'd finally made it to the stove. Sigh. The end in site?? Not so much.
My mother and I went shopping Monday and left him in the middle of the stove. Came home 5 hours later. Found the middle of the stove, LOL. It was painful to watch, it really was. It was like the pink elephant in the room. I'd walk in the kitchen, try not to say anything. If I dared to say something was off, or didn't look right. A whole section would come down and he'd obsess even MORE. We went four whole days barely speaking. Which is odd for us, because we usually have such a good time together. Late Monday night, I finally got a big sigh of relief and a huge smile.."I'm done!". Bless his heart. He says tile is now his least favorite home improvement. For years, plumbing has been at the top of his list. I don't think I could get him to do this again for ANYTHING. He really, really didn't like it.
As I mentioned, I grouted. And I will say..that kind of sucked a bit. My shoulders were hurtin for a few days. MUCH more physical then putting a few little tiles on a wall :)
Together we caulked it on Thursday night.
I'm happy with is. I think he did an AWESOME job for never doing anything like this before. It really lightens up the kitchen, which I love. And we were both so burned out we thought we'd end here. Not paint the walls and cabinets. But, who are we kidding? We're goin' all the way, baby :)
We also got some new hardware for the cabinets (thanks mom. my bday present :) )
We started with ORB, put after a wk of living with it. Just didn't do it for us.
So, we switched to chrome. I liked it more when it was just one knob I was looking at. The whole kitchen in It's ok. I'll love it more when the cabs are painted.
david hard at work

here's a close up when we had the orb knobs up

and chrome

I'll slap on a before to remind everyone how HORRID my kitchen was before the new counters and back splash. All that crap above the cabinets. What was I thinking???? It looks like what it mother's old stuff, lol.
This is why we wanted to raise the cabinets. To eliminate the "need" to have anything up there. We've moved on to another idea...beefing up the molding. So, we'll see in the future how that pans out. long it takes :)

We'll move on to painting the walls next. I've grown to hate the red :( It especially doesn't work with the oak cabinets. I don't think it ever did, but I love it in the eat in area with all the white moulding and the window. And once we paint the cabinets, it really won't work. So, out it goes!
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