Well, the day I'd been dreading forEVER finally came on Wednesday. Sending my 5 yr old off to school. I remember last yr, when I walked my 1st grader in, and left sobbing. Not because he was going back to school. But, because I couldn't get the picture out of my head that it was going to be Asher in a year.
Man, was I a MESS!!! When I opened doors in the morning to yell "good morning" and get everyone up, a huge lump hit my throat and I couldn't say a word. Just started to cry..right there, first thing in the morning!
We made it through getting dressed, breakfast, and outside for pictures before my next breakdown. Cried driving there, cried walking to the building, cried every time someone would make eye contact with me. Although most my friends knew enough to look away and not say a WORD!
We were rushed to get him to class after walking Micah down to his class. Which was for the best. That way, I didn't hang around..sobbing. I walked him in, kissed him goodbye, snapped a pic and ducked out. Shoulder shaking, snorting, UGLY cry all the way to the car.
Got home, grabbed his pillow and teddy bear and watched cartoons on the couch most of the morning. Crying, of course.
Day two wasn't as bad, but I was still a slight mess.
Friday I pulled it together not to cry at ALL when I dropped him off. In fact, I think the only tears I shed that day were at Wal-mart when I saw a mother yelling at her 4 yr old. I kept thinking, man..I wish that was me. Just ONE more year at home with my little buddy. I'm going to miss shopping with him. Naps, lunch at the coffee table, picnics, playdates, special days at Chuck E Cheese and Fun City.
I made a little video tribute...the sap that I am.
Tomorrow is a whole week, where last week was only 3 days. Hope it goes well for us BOTH.
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