About Me

My name is Tritia. I'm a mom to four beautiful little boys. Married to my very best friend, David. I enjoy watching my boys in sports, hanging with my friends, and decorating.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

chevron rug..and slip covered sofas!

It took 12 weeks, but my I.O. Metro sofas are finally in!! I'm pretty in love with them, but living in fear of the light fabric. I know, I know...slip covers! Take them off, toss them in the wash. But, still..yikes!!!

Let's take a look back at what the room started like 6 years ago....

And now...
Picked up the chevron rug off of Rugs USA. If I can remember back to February..It was only $125.

Also had a little chair make over that we threw over against the wall.




  1. Wow. This is spectacular! Seriously! So light a airy looking!

  2. Wondering if you'd consider getting rid of your word verification? it's really a pain!

  3. Thanks Carol-Anne! And yes, I'd love to get rid of it. If I can figure out how....
