Bird and Egg :) This is the plate my sister thought was a snowman worshipping the sun!. (yea, I sent a pic to her phone, and she had it turned upside down!!) Mindy said there's someone almost every day talking about my chicken. I was in one day when some old dude who runs a shop across the street came in. Saying he'd seen it through the window for wks, and it just "summed it all up". No clue what that meant... But he said he loved it!
About Me
- Tritia
- Arkansas
- My name is Tritia. I'm a mom to four beautiful little boys. Married to my very best friend, David. I enjoy watching my boys in sports, hanging with my friends, and decorating.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Painted pottery
Saturday, March 28, 2009
lil' armoire update
He measured, made his cuts. I did however, help hot glue the frabic, ty very much.
We slapped it on the doors, and fini! Quick, little project. Kind of looks girly, I But, the kids are impressed. And hey..that's what REALLY matters, right????

Thursday, March 26, 2009
playdough and out with mom

Who needs Xbox, Wii, or Nintendo DS???? :)
For the last hour, my boys have been playing nicely...with playdough.
Yesterday was a little more of a fun filled day. Kyle got a hair cut ("the best in his life", he says. lol) We shopped for shoes, which was a bust. Sorry kid, but mama ain't gonna buy you $80 shoes. We'll keep looking. Stopped in at Petsmart to revisit the idea of getting Charlotte a new cage. But, again..I'm too cheap. Hers is chewed up pretty bad. From the OUTSIDE, thanks to the dogs. And just impossisble to get totally clean in the corners. It needs to be sand blasted, I swear. Again, gonna keep working on this one.
I wanted to do a little something with them on their spring break, so we hit Locomotion. Ah, good times. They played a game of mini golf, all got to ride the cars and play some video games. Of course, the trip ended with little Asher in tears, because his 5 cent parachut man he "won" from his FIVE dollars in tokens, "got broked". UGH!!! Ungrateful, lil'.....:)
Friday, March 20, 2009

Ethan was really stressed going in. He was mostly worried about the needle for the IV. Luckily, we found out pretty quickly they do it AFTER they put you under. We were allowed to go back with him to the cath lab for a few mins until he was asleep. He kind of freaked out a bit when they put the mask over his face :( He looked soooo scared. Just when they were telling me he was almost asleep, he jolted up. And started to grab the mask. Took a few people to hold him down. I was holding his hand, telling him it was ok. Then all of a sudden his hand went limp, his eyes rolled back, and his head fell to the side. Gotta say...I knew what was happening, and remained VERY calm..but it was kind of a sickening thing to watch. I still can't get that image out of my head.
An hour into the study they called and said they'd found the pathway, and were starting the ablation. An hour later..said they found ANOTHER, which guess isn't all that common. That one was a bit deeper, and a higher risk spot. But luckily Dr. Tuzcu is trained :) Waking up was hard on him, too. He started to cry the minute he saw us. He was just confused with the way his body felt, and his throat was hurting from the tube. Wasn't long that he was miserable not being able to move his legs (had to lay still for 5 hours) After a few hours of sleeping, crying, trying to move.. I told him he HAD to eat some ice cream. Not too long after that, he started to perk up and was ready to be dischared. We left around 6:00pm.
The hospital experience wasn't much fun, that's for sure. But I think we all enjoyed being just the three of us. We went to the zoo the day we got there. Ate out a LOT (not off the dollar menu at mickey d's , BIG treat, lol) My sister hooked us up with a room at the Peabody, which was great. Yes, she ROCKS!!
He'll be sore for a couple days. More stiff tomorrow, they said. Needs to keep walking around and get back into things slowly.
All in all, we feel blessed it went so well.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
talent poor dad!
I'm hoping I can get someone to video it for me, if not. I at least have this to haunt Kyle with for the rest of his life :)
This was a rough practice, and they didn't remember a few steps. And have changed the end a bit. This is my super quiet, JOCK. Not goofball that he portrays here. He's been cracking us up with all his expressions, and endless pratice in the mirror. My parents have NO clue he's doing this, and my dad will likely walk out 5 shades of red, lol. Yes, they're going, but believe he's doing a poetic reading of Shakespere or something, hehehe.
don't forget to pause music on my playlist!!!
Talent show
Catheter Ablation

I'm nervous, of course. I'll be even more so come that morning. But, I also have read up on this as much as I could. I know the risks, and they appear minimal. He's worried about the backless gown and the iv in his arm. Please say a prayer for our kiddo that he sails through this.
Monday, March 16, 2009
kitchen eye candy

Here are some of my favorite kitchens!

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009