So, the little boys have this beaten up armoire in there "cowboy" theme room. I've intended to repaint it. Still plan on it one day, after our 138 other projects get done. We slapped some wallies on it a few months ago, much to my dislike. Couple wks ago while at Hobby Lobby, I found some cute horse shoe fabric. Considering I'm soooo not crafty, knew I couldn't whip out curtains or pillow cases with it. So, I bought some foam board, an exacto knife and went on my way. It's all been sitting around for a bit, but since today is a miserable and COLD snowy day. I busted it all out...and handed it to my wonderful husband :) :)
He measured, made his cuts. I did however, help hot glue the frabic, ty very much.
We slapped it on the doors, and fini! Quick, little project. Kind of looks girly, I But, the kids are impressed. And hey..that's what REALLY matters, right????


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