Who needs Xbox, Wii, or Nintendo DS???? :)
For the last hour, my boys have been playing nicely...with playdough.
Yesterday was a little more of a fun filled day. Kyle got a hair cut ("the best in his life", he says. lol) We shopped for shoes, which was a bust. Sorry kid, but mama ain't gonna buy you $80 shoes. We'll keep looking. Stopped in at Petsmart to revisit the idea of getting Charlotte a new cage. But, again..I'm too cheap. Hers is chewed up pretty bad. From the OUTSIDE, thanks to the dogs. And just impossisble to get totally clean in the corners. It needs to be sand blasted, I swear. Again, gonna keep working on this one.
I wanted to do a little something with them on their spring break, so we hit Locomotion. Ah, good times. They played a game of mini golf, all got to ride the cars and play some video games. Of course, the trip ended with little Asher in tears, because his 5 cent parachut man he "won" from his FIVE dollars in tokens, "got broked". UGH!!! Ungrateful, lil'.....:)
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